Friday, February 5, 2010

At what point do you give up?

LBG's skin has never been the soft and smooth baby skin everyone dreams about.  He was born with what he referred to as "Newborn Rash" which led into baby acne, and now most recently he's developed eczema.  I'm actually afraid he will have skin issues his entire life!

We brought his issues up with our pediatrician at his 2 month appointment.  She didn't think it was very severe and just told us to stop giving him baths every night and use lots of lotion.  This was a bit hard for us to swallow because he enjoys bathtime and he would sleep really after.  We didn't wash him every night, it was more of just a soak to relax. 

In the time between his 2 month check up and when we went back for this 3 month shots, his skin exploded out of control.  We were given three days worth of steriods, some hydrocortisone cream, and told to lube him up with vaseline.  We were also told to wash his hair with Selsun Blue once a week.  I wasn't thrilled about all the medicine, but we gave it to him so he'd be more comfortable.  I purchaced a hazelwood necklace which is supposed to help with eczema and began to help!  His neck cleared up!  The idea of putting petroleum on his skin didn't sit well with me so I bought a tube of Un-Petroleum Jelly and a jar of pure, unrefined shea butter.  We'd butter him up, seal it in with the jelly, and then use the medicated cream on any hot spots.  We also started using pure lanolin as a midday moisturizer.  Do you know how hard it is to wash a baby's hair with something that isn't tear-free?  On top of that, he is always putting his hands on his head to scratch!

Thing were rolling along as best as they could be until last weekend when his skin exploded out of control again!  Now his whole back is covered- which it wasn't before and his eyelids are crusty!  My poor, sweet little boy spends his whole day squirming trying to itch.  I consulted a friend who is insanely wise and my voice of reason to get her opinion.  We came up with the idea that maybe my Burt's Bees Baby Bees products were too harsh and I should try Californial Babies' Super Sensitive Skin products for baby wash.

Here is the strange kicker: his diaper area is the only place untouched by this yucky ailment!

LBG has been having some tummy issues as well so yesterday I took him to the doctor to see if maybe his tummy issues and skin issues were related.  I was less than impressed with the doctor because she didn't understand that we don't use Dreft for laundry (I make my own detergent, remember) or spray Fabreeze in the house.  It was like she was telling me to stop doing things that we don't even do!  Not, being satisfied with the outcome of the visit, I did something I rarely do and asked a friend for her professional advice (she's a pedi.)  Her response was amazing!  She recommended her favorite products which aren't exactly eco-friendly.  In my desperation, I'm going to buy them today and start using them.  We will now be using Cetophyl products.

This leads me to my question.  Should I have just used the petroleum based products from the get-go and saved my sweet little crusty critter from a month or so of torment?  Was it worth giving them a shot in the beginning?  Would All Free and Clear have been a better option for laundry detergent over my homemade that I'm 100% sure of every ingredent is not a yucky chemical and is completely dye and fragrance free? 



Anonymous said...

Should I have just used the petroleum based products from the get-go and saved my sweet little crusty critter from a month or so of torment? Was it worth giving them a shot in the beginning? Would All Free and Clear have been a better option for laundry detergent over my homemade that I'm 100% sure of every ingredent is not a yucky chemical and is completely dye and fragrance free?

YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

I honestly do not understand why you would not do these things.

The Chandlers said...

You know I am NOT crunchy at all. So for me, yeah I would have probably done what the pedi recommended.

Mrs. B said...

I would have also followed the pedi's advice. & I don't understand why you feel petrolem (sp?) jelly is so bad?

A Baby Peach said...

In reply to Anon. poster - WTF? There are a lot of reasons to not use products that don't contain crap. I'd be willing to bet her homemade detergent is "safer" than anything store bought and there are SO many reasons to avoid more conventional products for more natural ones.

Just b/c a doctor says to do it,doesn't mean it's the right answer (shocking to some, I know!)

As for what you should ahve done, I would have done the same thing. You don't know if those products, loaded with chemicals, would have helped or hurt,but at least you tried something more gentle before going to them.

I hope the Cetaphil works. I know it's not stuff we like to use, but sometimes you just gotta do what works. :(

just a mama... said...

My kiddo has sensitive skin but not as bad as LBG, sounds like. We use Cali Baby products and LOVE them. The super sensitive wash is great, we use the diaper cream when needed, and the calendula cream (not lotion) is great for those dry patches. (Lotion is good for all over.) I like to use the calendula cream as a face moisturizer for myself, too. If you haven't tried Cali Baby yet, I'd recommend it!