Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our First CDing Water Bill

Today was the day we've been waiting for!  Our very first water bill since LBG has starting living in cloth.  I was expecting it to be at least 15 dollars more than our usual one.  If it was $75 more, we might reconsider our choice of diapering method.

Keep in mind, in the month of January, The Father was away for 2 weeks.  We also stripped two loads of diapers which each had at least 10 or so.  Then, there was the very first load of diapers I ever prepped which was 5 wash and dry cycles.   Not to mention, one load of diapers every other day. 

The Father's trip doesn't really play into our water bill very much because he does shower at work most days.  I just listed it because it was a change from the usual.

With all of our water usage our bill was....

Wait for it....

Wait for it....

$5 less than Decemeber!

I can't wait to see what our bill for February will be like since we are now in a routine and The Father will be home all but 3 days this month.  Once our clothes line is installed and in use, I'll be just as excited to see our electric bill!


Amanda & Colby said...

Holy Moly!!! 75 bucks!!! Are you washing them everyday? Washing twice?

I wash my Cd's every other day and wash hot, rinse warm. It seems to clean them pretty good.

That's crazy expensive!

The Mother said...

No no no! It was $5 less than our usual bill. If it'd been $75 more than usual, we stop cding pronto.