Sunday, December 27, 2009

We are taking the plunge...

Into the land of cloth diapering, that is! Yesterday we decided that maybe we should give it a shot. I've been wanting to try but part of convincing myself that we should do it is also convincing The Father. If I could get him to say yes, I'd give it a go.

So, with out further ado, we are off to learn the Good, the Bad, and the Stinky of CDing!!

Yesterday and today we've been using the cheapy Gerber diapers that usually spend their days as our burp cloths. We haven't been disappointed in them which means having good quality ones will be awesome! LBG is now learning what a wet diaper feels like. I'm also learning that he can't go for hours wearing the same one. We've found that he needs a new diaper just about every hour or so right now. I'm sure he might be able to go a little longer when the good ones arrive.

We are doing this project on a budget so I've only ordered 4 diapers. When they are wet/dirty we will use disposables until they are clean. If it works well for a week or so, we will purchase a whole stash and only use our overnight 'sposies at bedtime. I don't want to use the "sink or swim" mentality because it might set us up for failure.

I've read great reviews about Thirsties' new diaper "Duo Diaper." I've ordered 3 of those. They should fit for quite a few months and then we can move up to the second size. I also ordered a Kushies diaper to try. The Father will only go for the Pocket or AIO variety. He doesn't enjoy folding the prefolds we are currently using. I don't' really enjoy folding them either. Like I said before... I HATE folding laundry and this is no exception!

<< Thirsties Duo Diaper<<Kushies

The Father just uttered words I never in my life thought I'd hear, "I actually like cloth diapering!"

I can't believe my sweet little boy might actually end up with a fluffy bum! I shall keep you posted!